Reviewed by: Mojomums Kelly
What they say: Each bio-degradable, plantable, seed pod is pre-sown with quality seed and comes ready to plant; just water the soil and plant the seed pod.
Once planted, the seed pod will absorb and retain the moisture it needs and feed the water directly to the seeds inside using our patented water absorbing technology. The pod protects the seeds as they begin to germinate in a safe micro environment, before breaking down naturally leaving zero waste and high quality healthy plants. SeedCell® offers the easiest, most effective way to grow your own.
What we say: “I have a large, mature garden – purely thanks to the people that lived in our house before us and absolutely nothing to do with my gardening skills! I have always wanted to grow my own vegetables and I’m hoping SeedCell will do the trick with their My Garden In A Box – Herb Mix and My Garden In A Box – Tomato Mix, both of which cost just £7.49.
I was pleasantly surprised at how many pods were in each box – plenty for both a novice gardener and family.
My son and I quickly got to work planting the pods…
The pods come with simple instructions and Logan enjoyed getting his hands dirty and doing all of the planting himself…
A nice water and they are (hopefully!) ready to grow!
SeedCell have thought of everything; the packets come with sticks to label, so that you know what you are growing in your pots.
Now all we have to do is water and wait…! I’ll let you know how we go…!”
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